Lower back pain and pain radiating down the leg is one of the most common maladies that humans experience. Next to colds and the flu, it is the most common reason why we miss work and go to the doctor. It is the most common work injury. It is estimated that today, in the United States, 75 million people suffer from back pain and that there are 7 million new victims each year. The financial costs of lower back pain are staggering. It is estimated that one third of the entire cost of the worker’s compensation system is spent on treatment, disability and benefits for lower back pain. Most back problems are mechanical in nature.
Chiropractic care has been effective for treating low back pain more than any other type of treatment. Major studies show that Chiropractic not only gives short term relief, but over the long term patients return to work faster and have less frequent re-injuries.
Headache Relief Without Drugs is a major goal in my office. There are many common causes of headaches including high blood pressure, low blood sugar, hormonal changes, hangover, and dental problems. These, however, are small in number in comparison with headaches that are caused by tension of the neck and head muscles and irritation to nerves. Another common cause of headaches is the vascular phenomenon known as migraine.
Alteration in the normal alignment and function of the spinal bones in the neck and upper back can cause irritation and inflammation of the muscles, nerves, and blood vessels. This can result in the common types of headaches that many experience. Before any treatment is initiated, we will examine you thoroughly to identify the causes of your headaches.
Chiropractic care focuses on improving and correcting the alignment, balance and function of the spinal joints and muscles. This can provide relief from recurring headaches, without the use of drugs and medications.
Neck pain, which is sometimes accompanied by arm pain or numbness, is the second most common problem that is treated at my office. The neck has a lot more flexibility than the low back and can easily become misaligned. There are so many other symptoms that can arise from the neck, such as headaches, radiating pain down the arm, bells palsy, ear pain and earaches, asthma, heart palpitations, trouble swallowing, face pain, and eye issues just to name a few.
Chiropractic care is far and above effective in treating neck and related issues. Dr. Kosek prides himself on providing gentle chiropractic treatments, especially for the cervical spine.
Scoliosis is a lateral or sideways curve in the back that can not only alter appearance but can cause pain and sometimes shorten life expectancy. Dr. Kosek has done school scoliosis screenings and helped hundreds of children and adults reduce their curvature and relieve pain.
Most back and neck pain is mechanical in nature. When the spine is at a disadvantage by work positioning or repetitive motions, it adapts by changing body posture and spinal alignment. This can create a forward carriage of the head and neck, a humped middle back, and other pain-producing distortions. To the left is an abnormal curve of the neck. If left alone this will cause early degeneration.
Chiropractic adjustments restore a normal curvature which not only relieves pain, improves posture, but also slows degnerative arthritis. Pictured to the left is a more normal curvature that is the ideal we strive to attain.
Chiropractic care has been effective for treating low back pain more than any other type of treatment. Major studies show that Chiropractic not only gives short term relief, but over the long term patients return to work faster and have less frequent re-injuries.
Learn More >The goal of chiropractic treatment is to reduce the subluxation, increase the range of motion, reduce nerve irritability, and improve mobility. Our compassionate and qualified chiropractor will work with you to relieve this pain and get you back to being pain free every single day.
Learn More >Corrective exercises can help make any pain you are experiencing disappear. These exercises will strengthen and correct the irregularities of your body. Most of these exercises are able to be performed in the comfort of your own home.
Learn More >Created by DearDoc.
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